Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hey family!

Man oh man, where to start? First off, I'm doing awesome! I haven't even broke down crying yet haha. I'm not really feeling that overwhelmed at all in all honosty. People keep telling me it's okay to cry and have break downs but I'm just fine. Yes it's alot of work but nothing I can't handle. The only thing I need more of is sleep haha. I always feel like a zombie in the morning and don't look far from it. Classes are amazing and I love our teachers. They help us so much and I can tell that they really care. There are 14 of us headed to Rancho cucamonga on the 3rd and alot of them are in my district. Actually, every single person in my district is going to Rancho so it's pretty awesome. I also really like our zone. Everyone got a bad first impression but once we got to know them they were really coool. A couple of them are going to Winnipeg and instead cars they snowmobiles. I didn't believe them at first. We are going to the complete opposite. Apparently this is going to be a rally hot summer in RC so I'm trying to enjoy the AC while I can. 

Classes are going really good. We do lots of role plays but I've learned to love and appreciate them. Teaching is definitely something that you learn by making mistakes and lots of practice. I never knew how hard it was to explain the gospel simply so that eveyone can understand. It's so easy to just fire hose info at them and expect them to get it all. Our teachers are our pretend continuing investigators, so everyday they get into the role and we have to go teach them. We get our first semi-real investigator tonight so I'm crossing my fingers that it goes well. I'd say the hardest thing about the MTC is keeping the fire going. It's so easy when you're tired to just wonder off into your own little world, especially when you're in the classroom for over 11 hours a day. I've definitely had to challenge myself to do the best I can everyday. It feels like I'll be here forever but I know one day I'll have to go out and do it fa realz. Sometimes I just get stuck on what to study or say

 I love my companion Sister Rietz! She was up at BYUI too but we never saw each OTHER.. We were actually friends on facebook but she didn't remember haha. She saw me on the RC fb page for moms and added me but eventually forgot about it. There are two companionship of sisters all together in my district but we consider ourselves to be one big one. There is a sister from New Zealand who I adore to death.She is so sweet and super funny. I call her my little auzie cheeks haha. How I came up with that I will never know. I could listen to her talk all day and never get sick of it. She has lived in Australia for the last ten years or so in Brisbane so she has a good mix of both accents....not that they're much different. Sister Cauble is pretty dag awesome too. She is super nice and fun to be around. 

I have definitely had to rely on the Lord for all my strength and He hasn't disappointed. It's amazing how much I've been able to retain even though everything is crazy in classes. I've been so blessed with the Spirit and I can feel it guiding me. I want to work on not being so hard on myself when I mess up. I keep thinking that I have to be a perfect teacher and missionary right now but I know that not even God expects that of me. I've been doing better though and I'm getting really good at not letting it get me down. God is watching over me for sure.

Thank you everyone for the email and pics! I love them so much. I'm sorry I couldn't respond individually.

-Sister Prows

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