Hey Family.....and whoever else reads this thing!
I'm so sorry about last weeks half letter. I had no idea that the computer at the library shuts off after an hour so I'm like just taking my time and it turns off..yeah no bueno. Anyway, I never got to finish it but I hope you enjoyed the half letter haha. So I'm just going to start where I left off.Our ward is pretty stinken great too. There are a lot of old people but they are all so nice. Lets just say that we never go hungry and never will haha. There is the funniest little old lady named grandma June( it's a requirement to call her grandma) that we always visit. She is the cutest thing to walk this earth. She's blind which is really hard on her, considering that she used to be an amazing artist and porcelain doll maker. She's made over 300! She reminds me a lot of Aunt Corolyne actually.But if ever you need a snack or you're having a sugar craving you know that you can always drop by her place. Our ward mission leader is amazing but unfortunately he leaves next month which is really too bad but I'm sure they'll get someone good.
There are two sets of missionaries in our ward-us and a set of Elders. They are pretty great too. The work is slowly but surely progressing here in California. Oh btw, my area is Chino Hills if anyone was wondering. I also have a car......Hallelujah! My poor old comp got sent to the middle of no where-literally but my area is really nice. There is a huge Asian and Hispanic population so having a comp that speaks Spanish has been a life saver. She is pretty great too. We didn't click at first but as time has gone on I've learned to appreciate her a lot more. She works really hard and is exactly obedient. Yeah, you don't mess with her schedule, but she is the so sweet and loves being a missionary. I'm still trying to catch up with her haha. It was hard adjusting to her personality at first but I have come to really love her. She was born in Argentina but grew up in Spain, which is kind of awesome, not gonna lie. So I'm happy to report that all is well as far as my comp goes.
My area is amazingly gorgeous. The whole landscape is just hills and we have an amazing view of the mountains. My favorite part is that they have a farmers market with really cheap produce and international supplies! I was one happy camper when I found that place. I was bummed about not sending my email last week but as we were on our way to go and find a Sprouts we found that little gem. It will never replace Sprouts, but it came really close. My area reminds me a lot of Florida in all honesty. The houses, the people, the weather, everything.
I love the gospel so much! Missionary work isn't easy, but it's always worth it. The Lord has blessed me so much these last couple of weeks. I'm finally getting adjusted! It was hard at first but I can truly say that I love it. The gospel is true. I have some amazing stories that I can't wait to share with you all when I get home...in like forever, but I'll try to keep you updated
Well, the time has come. I have to go but know that I love you all. Send me lots of letters because you love me haha.
Sister Prows
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