Bonjour famille! I said goodbye to my trainer. Yep, she is outa
here. I get to stay in Chino but she is going to the desert in a biking area!
She wanted to lose weight so her prayers were answered haha, only it's stinken
hot up there right now. My new comps name is Sister Colemen. She is a crack up
to say the least. She only has two more transfers left so she will most likely
“die” with me. It was actually really hard saying goodbye to Sister
Schaffhauser but I know that this will be good for me. I have to really step up
my game because at this point I’m the only one who knows who is who and what’s
going on. No pressure haha. I’m very nervous but excited for what the future
brings. I know that the Lord gave me this companion for a reason and that we
both have a lot to learn from each other. She is a free spirit so we’ll see how
it all goes haha. Elder Tate, my ward mate got transferred too, and Elder Lee
gets to train. That means that all of us here, including the ward mission
leader, are kinda new so we’ll have to figure things out together. It was weird
because yesterday I got a little taste of how it is going to feel to go home
while we were going to go say goodbye to all of the members yesterday. Yep,I’m
not quite ready to go home yet. Time is going by way too fast and I still have
too much to learn and do. It really is a once in a life time experience. You
get to dedicate your whole self to serving the Lord and His people and along
with it comes all of the amazing blessings.
This week was kinda rough as far as lessons and numbers go, but
man, were we busy. We didn’t have time for anything really. On Thursday our
whole zone went up to Mnt. Baldy and cleaned up a mudslide. It destroyed a
couple of homes and buried every ones yards and houses, so we got to shovel
everyone out. I think that my weight lifting is paying off haha, but I was
super sore for the next three days. I even have some pretty rad blisters to
prove it. It was super fun though. I loved going up in the mountains for a while.
It made me homesick for Idaho and camping haha. It kinda through everything off
because that was the day that we usually have most of our investigator lessons
but it’s all good. We also had mission conference this last Saturday! Elder
Nelson came and I got to shake his hand. There was an amazing spirit there and
we were all excited to hear from an apostle. He talked about obedience and how
we show our faith when we do our best every day to follow the guidelines that
we’ve been given it opens the doors for greater blessings and success. It was
cool because during the Q/A part of it he always answered it with a scripture.
Yeah, he is pretty great to say the least. He’s like 90 years old and he just
skipped up the stairs haha. I loved it.
Oh, cool story. On Saturday we were super bummed when our
investigators called us and said that they couldn’t go to the baptism, which
meant that we couldn’t go either. So, we called everyone else we could think of
and they either didn’t answer or couldn’t go. I was really sad because I knew
how great that would have been for someone, but I had a feeling that it was for
a reason. Well, about a half hour later when we would have been at the baptism
a less active called us in tears and asked us to come over. We quickly jumped
in our car and headed over and found her at the door waiting for us. She had
had surgery a month ago and hasn't been able to do anything and has had to rely
on her husband for everything so he hasn't gotten any sleep or nothin so she
felt really bad and completely overwhelmed. So we had a nice little chat and
calmed her down and then cleaned her whole house. To me it was evidence that
God loves all of His children and He is very aware of us and our needs. I was
just so happy that she knew that she could call us for anything like that! He
also sends others to help answer our prayers. People tell us over and over
again that even when they were the farthest away from God, He was still there
right beside them helping them through their hardest times. He never gives up
on us and there is nothing that we have done or will do that the Atonement
doesn't cover. He loves us soooo much! Isn't that a wonderful thing to know?
Well, today is kinda crazy so I didn't have much time but I just
wanted to let you all know that I am alive and well. I'm glad that you all had
fun at Bear lake! Send me lots of pics okay. I will reply to everyone's emails
asap I promise. Thanks again for all those that have written me. I appreciate
it more than you could ever know.
Love ya lots,
Sister Prows
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Cleaning after the mudslide |
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