27, 2015
again about last weeks letter. You get days where you get nothing and other
days everyone decides to write you all at once. haha. It's just like our days
out here. Some of them are packed and we run around like chickens with their
heads cut off and others are those really long days where you wish that just
one person would let us in. haha. Gotta love it
Well oh well, what happened this week? Uuum....., the
week started off with the old lady luncheon. Those are the best. All of the old
ladies get together for a lunch and they talked about old people stuff but it
always feels so nice to be included. I always feel so loved.
On Saturday we headed out of our area to Silverwood lake
for a Stake clean up project. It was SO nice to see a different scenery. The
same couple of square miles get kinda boring after awhile. haha. We drove
through boonies and I felt like I was in Idaho
again. For the service project we cleared trails and I got to use those massive
clipper thingies. I like feel so boss when I use those. It has been super cold
and windy here the last week so everyone was kinda cold but it turned out to be
a really fun morning. While I was sitting there in the Dement's big truck with
the engine humming, all nice and warm staring out the window, I had one of
those moments where you just know that God loves you and knows what we need and
when. I needed that little break and moment of peace so bad. I sometimes get so
stressed that I don't even realize that I'm stressed until I'm not anymore and
I realize the difference. We got done really early though so we kinda had
to figure out what to do with our extra 3 hours. We couldn't really tract in 65
mph winds though so we had to be creative.
Our investigators are progressing so well. Gilbert is
moving along towards his date and passing everything with flying colors. Carol
is getting a blessing so we hope that that will help her get to church. In the
mean time her faith continues to grow and I can see it changing her whole
countenance. She is using the Atonement. Nothing has changed much, other
than me. I still have the same personality and I'm still Becca but my outlook
on life has changed a lot. My priorities and dreams have definitely been
refined in a lot of ways. That's the miracle of missions. It is literally
changing my eternity. I've been thinking a lot lately about how I want to apply
my learning and growth when the time comes for me to go back to the real world.
It is one of my greatest excitements but one of my greatest fears as well. Even
though I know that I won't be perfect at it all and not everything in life goes
the way that we plan, I know that what the mission has given me is a greater
desire and a greater knowledge of how I can serve my Heaven,y Father better. If
anything, I've seen just how important the small every day primary answers are
and how much they really do help us. I've seen what happens when you do do them
and I've seen what happens when you don't. I know that the little things in
life make all the difference. It takes faith to keep those "celestial
habits" up and sometimes we're just not in the mood to read, pray or go to
church, but when we finally do them we are reminded of just how amazing
they are. As humans we forget really really fast. We forget feelings and
thoughts and we too often forget what is most important. That is why we need
daily and constant reminders to help us to remember. When we are true to the
little things, God will give us greater things. I don't know if that alll made
any sense to anyone, but it does to me. haha. So I'd encourage everyone to
exercise their faith and go back to the basics. Remind yourself of just how
great they really are and just how much they help. I promise that you will feel
the Spirit more abundantly in your life and that Spirit will make all the
difference in everything that you do. Our testimonies are like a fire. They
need fuel to stay bright and big but if you don't keep putting wood in the fire
goes out. You can't blame it for not staying big if you never do anything to
keep it burning. We can always fan the flame back up though, even if it is
merely a little dim amber still holding on to keep glowing. So yeah, that is
what I've learned. haha. .
Well, I love you all! Transfers are this week so the next
time I email I'll let you know if I stayed or left my area. I kinda have a
feeling that I may be leaving( knock on wood) but we'll see. Only God knows and
that's ok with me.
Love ya lots,
Sister Prows
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