Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Hey hey hey!
Hope all is well. Thanks so much for everyone who sent me pictures this week. It was better than Christmas opening my email today. Speaking of, yesterday was a holiday so all of the libraries were closed so we get to email today for a wee bit. Looks like everyone is having a blast!…..but don’t have too much fun without me haha..jk.
This week we had an amazing miracle. On Sunday Rose called us right before church and told us things just weren’t working out and that on Wednesday she went to a bible study at another church and she has decided to go there now so they wouldn’t be coming to church like they had promised. I of course was absolutely devastated but asked if we could go over the next day and talk about it. That whole day I just felt like breaking down and crying. When you work so hard for someone for so long you really come to love them and to have all of your hopes shattered like that was hard for me. I don’t think I’ve felt so low as I did on and off that day. But, just like the Lord always does, He gave me hope. At that moment I just had to trust Him that it would all be okay and eventually I was blessed with peace that everything would work out. Last night we went over and they expressed some valid concerns but we were able to work them out and they still want to continue meeting with us. I know it sounds kinda silly looking back on it all and I know that it happens all of the time but man, at that moment it just crashed me. I literally felt sick to my stomach. I know that the Lord gave me peace about it though and that whatever happens it will be for the best. All I can do is my best and that’s all that I’m expected to do. I think for a second I felt the just slightest bit of what He must feel when one of His children goes astray. It was a humbling and faith building experience and I know that the Lord was looking out for us.
But anywho, this week was busy as always. My new companion is quite the character to say the least. She loves to be crazy haha. She keeps me from over stressing bless her heart. It’s weird because I find myself picking up so many habits of my trainer. Sister Coleman is really chill so I sometimes feel like I over compensate and have to be super busy to keep her going so that we can get things done, just like my trainer was with me haha. But I also need to learn to take more time to explain the ins and outs of everything so that she can help me more, so that will be my goal of this next week-let her be involved more. It’s just a balancing act sometimes. I have already learned so much from her though. I'm so blessed that I have someone who is so experienced to be my companion after training. My appreciation for my trainer has definitely grown this last month and I will be forever grateful for what she taught me even if it was hard to learn and understand in the moment. I still have a lot to learn from both her successes and mistakes and what a wonderful thing that is.
We feel busy all of the time and yet it still feels like we aren't getting much done. At this point we need to work at working smarter, not harder ...well and harder but you get the point. The work is going good but flat lining a bit. We just need it to start going up more haha. I love it though. I've been so blessed that I've been able to keep busy with everything. Just having people to teach is an amazing blessing in and of itself. I've been learning so much too. The church is so true! Heavenly Father has given me strength beyond my own and I know that He is watching over me.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Week 12
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Cleaning after the mudslide |
Week 11
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Mission Update: Week 10
On a happier note, the rest of the week went great. We work all day everyday but didn't get in as many lessons as we would have hoped and only one investigator showed up to church. We did a lot of service projects this week though so that was good. Oh, and we also got a new investigator! He is Guillermo's son and he decided to take the lessons. His cousin, who is about ten, joined in the lesson that night and made my heart melt when he started crying. He said that whenever he is with their family he feels closer and closer to God. Mind=blown. The elders in our ward have been having great success too. All together we have around 10 set baptismal dates for August! Rose and Richard probably won't reach their baptismal date at this point because she can't go to church for a while because of her foot, but I feel peace that it will all turn out okay. They are very prepared. I really like my area, so hopefully I won't get transferred in a couple of weeks. I have a feeling that my trainer will, along with another Elder that's been here for over six months. I just want to be here to see everything we've worked so hard for become a reality. Everything is finally taking off, and I know it seems selfish, but I want to be here to see it all.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Melting Heart
Awesome Sauce
But anyways, just wanted to let ya'll know I was doing good. Keep me updated!!!! Seriously, anything you send is like Christmas....but even better. Know that I love you all and pray every night for ya. Keep being great!
4th of July
Monday, June 30, 2014
Wuz Up!
We had our four week meeting for all of the new missionaries and their trainers this last week. I got to see all of my MTC buddies and old comp so it was way fun. Turns out I wasn't the only one going through some crazy stuff haha. They all looked exhausted. I also got to go on exchanges on Saturday with the sister training leaders. It was super fun and really nice to get out of my area and learn some new things. Sister Shaw, the one I went out with, is from Treemonton(I have no idea if I spelled that right) Utah! We know a lot of the same people and everything. It was a pretty awesome connection. She is so cute and super sweet and I learned so much from her in just a day. It's nice to see a lot of different ways of doing things so that you can figure out what you like best. I still have a lot to learn from my comp but it was nice getting some new ideas. Oh, cool story. When I was on exchanges we went to go see this guy named Robert. His roommate answered the door and said that he wasn't there so we just started talking to him about some of what we believe and invited him to church. He didn't seem that into it so I didn't think much of it. Well, last night the STL's called us and told me that he went to church and now he's a new investigator! Too bad he's not in my area haha but that's okay. This week was really busy but nothing much happened. You work so hard everyday and then when you add up the numbers for the week it looks like you did hardly anything. Key indicators don't show how hard you worked at all here. Because most of the lessons or conversations don't count as anything, so that kinda stinks. All of you RM's know what I'm talking about haha.
I'm happy to announce that I'm doing really good lately. Everything is really clicking and my comp and I are really getting along well. I've learned to appreciate her a lot more as time goes on. Having a lazy comp as a trainer would be miserable for me. I've been very blessed with several teaching opportunities since I've been here, which is pretty rare according to what I've been hearing lately in other places. Looking back, I know that the Lord has blessed me so much. He knew that I needed to be where I'm at and who I'm with. It's funny how we miss so many things in the moment, and then looking back you wonder how you could be so blind as to not realize things. In the mission you get more humbling experiences then you would sometimes care for, but when you learn to be grateful for them they turn into blessing instead of burdens. I've only been out for a little over 40 days, but I've learned so much. I know I have a very long way to go and still so much to learn but I'm grateful for the many blessings that have come to me in such a short time. I thought I knew a lot about the scriptures before I came out......wrong. Turns out I haven't even scratched the surface, on anything really. But I know that all of the little choices I've made through out the years have really prepared me so much for a mission. My transition wasn't as hard as a lot of the people I know and all of those early morning seminary classes are starting to pay off. It's the little things that matter in the end. Anywho, so much to learn, so little time.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Second Email
Our ward is pretty stinken great too. There are a lot of old people but they are all so nice. Lets just say that we never go hungry and never will haha. There is the funniest little old lady named grandma June( it's a requirement to call her grandma) that we always visit. She is the cutest thing to walk this earth. She's blind which is really hard on her, considering that she used to be an amazing artist and porcelain doll maker. She's made over 300! She reminds me a lot of Aunt Corolyne actually.But if ever you need a snack or you're having a sugar craving you know that you can always drop by her place. Our ward mission leader is amazing but unfortunately he leaves next month which is really too bad but I'm sure they'll get someone good.
There are two sets of missionaries in our ward-us and a set of Elders. They are pretty great too. The work is slowly but surely progressing here in California. Oh btw, my area is Chino Hills if anyone was wondering. I also have a car......Hallelujah! My poor old comp got sent to the middle of no where-literally but my area is really nice. There is a huge Asian and Hispanic population so having a comp that speaks Spanish has been a life saver. She is pretty great too. We didn't click at first but as time has gone on I've learned to appreciate her a lot more. She works really hard and is exactly obedient. Yeah, you don't mess with her schedule, but she is the so sweet and loves being a missionary. I'm still trying to catch up with her haha. It was hard adjusting to her personality at first but I have come to really love her. She was born in Argentina but grew up in Spain, which is kind of awesome, not gonna lie. So I'm happy to report that all is well as far as my comp goes.
First Field Email
She's Here!
Sister Prows is here and she is safe! How fun to have another Rexburg missionary with us! She stayed with us at the mission home the first night, but is now in her new area. You should hear from her on Monday.
Thank you for sharing her with us. She is delightful and will be a great missionary.
President and Sister Hobbs
CA Rancho Cucamonga Mission